Garment Finishing Options

Printed Size Tags

Private labeling your apparel is the easiest way to give it a branded look. Most garments feature tearaway tags which we will first remove before printing in your custom size labels. Labels are most often printed in Cool Gray 6C to avoid bleeding through the back of the shirt but other colors may be available.

Minimum quantity: 24pcs
Print area: 3” x 3”
+1 production day

We currently do not remove tags from brands that don’t feature tearaway tags. We also are unable to print tags inside of fleece garments.

Woven Hem Tags

Take your branded goods to the next level with woven hem tags. These will require an upfront investment for a run of woven damask labels which we can then sew in a variety of ways on your garments. The most common is along the bottom hem of the shirt but other examples are on sleeves, necklines, and hoods.

Minimum quantity: 48pcs
+3 production days

Folding & Polybagging

This is a great option for brands & companies that will be reselling their printed apparel. We will fold & pack each garment individually inside of a clear polybag that has an adhesive seal and an easy to read size sticker on it.

Minimum quantity: 24pcs
+1 production day

Be aware this service may increase shipping costs as we will not be able to pack the garments in as few boxes as if they were unfolded.